Building Systems and Acoustics. Inc
Serving Our Customers for over 36 years!

(270) 843-3005


Case Goods


Case goods, a $55 billion market that is growing annually at a 5% pace

The case goods market is defined to include non-residential cabinetry, millwork, office furniture and fixtures. From a sales revenue standpoint, the market is dominated by the National players but increasingly, there is a shift in the market to local boutique companies that have the ability to create custom solutions after an onsite review.

Here is an example of storage we created for a physician. Attractive, functional and just what our client wanted.

Medical office cabinetry

Case Goods

Yes, Building Systems does design and install work stations for clients but unlike this office, we work with our clients to anticipate needs and account for them in our designs.

Contractors and businesses increasingly look for case goods manufacturers that can listen to their vision, turn that vision into a design and then manufacture the products that makes the vision a reality…. Sounds a lot like the philosophy that Charles Browning has used to grow Building Systems!

Click below to learn more about our custom work or to request a quote