Building Systems and Acoustics. Inc
Serving Our Customers for over 36 years!

(270) 843-3005


Our Team


Contractors think of us as an extension of their staff.

We believe that one of the strengths of our Company is our staff. Our staff has worked with the Company an average of 17 years. When a client presents us with a specific project or a custom solution, they can be assured that we have probably seen a similar request and delivered a similar solution.

Our ability to deliver competitively priced solution is in part dependent upon our Company operating with less staff than our competitors. We do that by cross training our staff. With the exception of design and estimation, all employees are cross trained to be able to assist in manufacturing , delivery, installation, or service calls.

Our client focus starts at the top of the Company

From the early days of his one man construction company, Charles saw the value in making sure that every customer was satisfied upon completion of the project. He also recognized the fact that most projects required follow-up. A tweak here, a change there, an additional cabinet, an adjustment to a shelf. The project typically doesn’t end with the completion of the last cabinet or counter.

Yes, communication is critical during the design and implementation phases, but we have found that follow-up can be critical to customer satisfaction. It has also been instrumental in helping us build our business.

Charles is personally involved in every project and every step along the way. While he has an experienced team, his involvement shows how important customer satisfaction is to him and the Company; how important every customer is.

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